Well, it happened. Kruiser (now spelled Kruizer which is actually the correct spelling--I didn't want to change the blog name once I found out) has gone to his boy Matthew. Sigh. Here we are at the hand-over. It may not show but both Ed and I were fighting tears. Kruizer will still have some training to do as he bonds with Matthew and then in a couple of months or so he will be certified as a full-fledged assistance dog.
Events surrounding the hand-over: the new puppies were born to Kruizer's parents on May 14th, the day before we said goodbye to Kruizer. We went over to see them their first night of out-of-the-womb life and named the last one born "Kaboose." It ends up Kaboose will be our next puppy to raise (see http://kaboosesjournal.blogspot.com.) Then a week after we handed Kruizer over, my dad died. Sweet sorrow partings. In Kruizer's case it was mostly sweet. Matthew will have an amazing, smart, energetic, devoted, and mostly obedient dog for many years.
Here's to you, Kruizer!
You can continue to follow Kruizer's training with Matthew at http://dogandhisboy.blogspot.com.
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