We're back in Colorado. The trip East with Kruiser was a roaring (or is that barking?) success. He was near perfect on all three airplane rides and in the airport and car and hotels and restaurants and, of course, was a conversation piece everywhere he went.
Here's Kruiser diving into my mom's lake after a tennis ball (if he flunks as an assistance dog he could definitely pursue a career in water sports),
and on a canoe ride (he snatched at lily pads and pickerel weeds and only tried to put a paw into the water twice, but we managed to stay upright),
and at sunrise on Pemaquid Point (on the Maine coast) doing a perfect sit for Ed.
As he had on the trip East, Kruiser traveled like a pro flying home (and less stressed/tired than I was after the 5 am wake-up and hours of waiting in the Chicago airport.)
We flew standby on an earlier flight to Chicago to give him bathroom time there and then tried to get onto another earlier flight back to Denver (no luck) but at least Kruiser entertained some of the kids who were waiting as well.
At one point Kruiser saw a girl come off a plane holding an almost life-sized stuffed lab puppy toy. Kruiser sniffed the "puppy" and wagged his tail, bowing in play posture and then bouncing. He even licked its mouth and checked out the other end too. That entertained the adults as well. Not one of his more intelligent moments.
While at my mom's in Maine, Kruiser hit another full-of-himself stage. Worst was after he played fetch with the frisbee and decided chewing on the frisbee was more interesting than coming. Later when we were inside, I called him a couple of times with a "come" and he just gave me full-faced stares and refused to budge. Now when playing fetch with the frisbee we say "bring the frisbee" instead of "come"--we can't afford to lose ground on his recall!