Yesterday was Kruiser's maiden flight on an airplane. He was amazing. Except for reacting to the ring of the cell phone of the man next to us as we waited for take off and startling when Ed accidentally dropped ice cubes in front of his nose on landing (who wouldn't?), Kruiser slept the whole way. After the ice cube incident, he did look up at me as if to ask, "What's all that noise?" on landing, but he didn't even sit up. Talked about non-plussed.
Here's Krusier about to board:
And here he is in his "chill" pose on the plane:
Then at Ed's brother Dave and his wife Pat's house in Maryland, Kruiser had several other "firsts": first experience retrieving a frisbee (once he figured out to nose the Frisbee over to get tooth purchase on it for carrying, the drop part was the biggest challenge for him--we had to get treats to overcome his puppy urge to sit down and chew the plastic rather than drop it,) first time in a pool (low chlorine), and best of all his first time diving into water. His gonzo dive took about half an hour to evolve from falling in and trying to get out in the deep end, to finding the stairs, to leaning in with front legs already paddling, to finally leaping in with full body extension and ears flapping.
Here's a blurry picture of one of his launches. We'll definitely try for a better picture over the next couple of weeks. He does like his water.
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